5 Essential Steps to Plan Ahead Before Ordering Custom Team Uniforms Online
- by Jane Victoria

One of the most common setbacks that we usually hear from our customers is the great amount of time they need to get things done when ordering team uniforms. On this week’s blog, we will be sharing some tips on how to reduce your time significantly through proper preparation.
Team Logo and Design
Aside from the obvious reason that this represents your team, this also promotes team spirit. Here at C2C, we encourage you to include your team logo as part of your uniform because this gives a lifelong value to your team and what you believed in.
If you are a club looking for custom netball uniforms for the next season, here is a pro tip. For the best printing quality of your logo, we recommend using Vector SVG file. If you also like your uniform colour to show as the background of your design, make sure the background of your image is transparent when saving and uploading it on our product designer tool. You can also draw or sketch the design ideas you have in mind and then add or change them once you work on the actual designer tool.
We are expert logo designers, and can do this for you too.
Team Colours
Choosing your team colour is not just about combining your favourite colours or picking the most trendy ones. The colour palette of your team uniforms must also go well with your logo to get a balanced look whilst playing at the court.
Takeaway: According to research, colour increases brand recognition and recall by 80%. Imagine if your team is new and no one knows you yet but the uniform you’re wearing can save you. That is how important your team colours are!
Player Sizes
Getting your player sizes ready ahead of time with accuracy is critical to getting your orders done and delivered right on time.
You can refer to our sports team uniform size chart for a general understanding of how to choose your size, select the size closest to your body measurement.
We also have blank size kits, but recommend for large quantities, ordering size kits as your first order. This then provides the benefit of a quality control check, blood rule solution and emergency backup stock.
Couple this with a great online store for your members and users can see what they get before they order.
Player Name and Number
List them down and get them double checked in a spreadsheet ahead of time! By doing this, you can reduce errors and save a great amount of time and effort once you place your custom netball uniforms or custom basketball uniforms order online.
We have collaborative order templates with size and quantity laid out to make this job quick and easy for you. Our Design Your Own order platform has a wonderful size, name and number table built in.
What is Your Club Mantra?
The most important thing you’ll wear is your attitude. What is your club mantra that you live for? We can help your team choose your club messaging or mantra to live by and reinforce positive attitudes especially in this time of need.
Here’s a helpful video to give you a walkthrough of the C2C team uniform ordering process.
If you are ready to give your team uniform a lift for the next season, don’t hesitate to contact us.
We can also help you design your team uniform as part of our service.